Friday, May 2, 2008

Look out weekend

I dont have any homework this weekend and My roomies are out of town. I am going to have a great weekend. I might have a party or maybe just invite a bunch of girls over to make fun of you losers. I dont know what I am going to do but I know its going to be fun. Loser dick wad left 3 tributes tonight and arranged a call. I was helping my roomies pack for a trip they are going on this weekend so I didnt sign on. I figured I will have such a busy weekend and with them gone I can take more calls and have alot more fun with my losers and slaves. I got a $50 amazon gift certificate but I dont know who sent it. There was a message on it.. so if you can tell me what it said I will thank you on my blog. Until then I dont know who sent it. I will be on tomorrow at 7pm maybe earlier. You can arrange a call if you would like.

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